Types of Reading

star types of reading

Tarot readings are as varied as the people who ask for them and the readers who interpret them. These are some of the types of reading I use, both individually and in combination (e.g. a general reading covering the next three months):

The Yes No Tarot Oracle

Get a quick answer to your burning question with a Yes No Tarot Reading. I will personally respond with a hand drawn card, a short email reading that consists of a YES or NO from the tarot and a few sentences explaining the relevance of the card to your question. All this for a rather lovely £5 – there’s no reason not to!

General Reading

A general reading is for those who want pointers towards areas of interest which may be important in their lives. For instance, if you have questions in many areas of your life and want to know which need the most attention.

Question Led Reading

The Question Led Reading is used when you have a specific question to ask in a particular area of your life. For instance, on a health issue or a career dilemma.

Time Based Reading

The Time Based Reading may be a general or question led reading. This reading takes a period of time, often a year, and highlights the areas of importance for each selected segment.

When you order a reading, I will use a Spread to gauge the tarot’s advice on your specific situation.

I don’t have a particular spread I use for a reading of a certain type, but will use the information you have provided about you and what you need from the cards. That and my experience and intuition point the way to the best reading for you.


If you would like me to carry out a reading for you, whether from one of the types of reading above or a combination, please see the Order a Reading page here.

Once I receive your order, I will email you to acknowledge receipt and to arrange how you would like your reading done. I can offer readings in person, by phone or Skype, or I can carry it out alone and email you the results.

Website designed by Joanna Pease of A Bit of Support, Marlow